i) Non consummation of marriage:
Means inability to have normal sexual intercourse after marriage. In such cases, sex counselling is done which includes an explanation about normal human anatomy and normal intercourse. In case of specific non-gynaecological causes, patients are referred to a suitable consultant.
ii) PCOS
It is a medical condition that causes improper ovulation and is frequently associated with weight gain in majority of the patients along with abnormal hair growth and irregular periods. Although PCOS is responsible for infertility, by a multicentric approach like weight management, diet, proper exercise, counselling to tackle mood changes and suitable medicines, fertility is possible in the desired time.
In present days surgery for PCOS is required for a few patients.
iii) Fibroids
Although fibroids per se do not cause infertility, sometimes just by its location, size and number, the patient can have difficulty in conceiving i.e. if fibroid is growing inside the uterine cavity, or distorting uterine cavity, or intercourse is difficult or painful due its size. The position of the fibroids or the resulting distortion of uterine cavity can cause recurrent abortions or premature delivery in a few cases.
iv) Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine endometrium (innermost lining of uterus) is present in ectopic areas causing collection of menstrual blood at abnormal places like ovaries, abdominal cavity and also in uterine musculature (adenomyosis) which causes extremely painful periods and painful intercourse. It is one of the leading causes of inability to conceive.
v) Genital Infection
Infections like tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, trachomatis cause extensive damage to uterus and fallopian tubes or even recurrent vaginal infection can cause infertility as sex is painful.
Other causes include associated medical disorders, drugs, psychological causes, advanced age, premature ovarian failure. In as many as 20% couples, the precise cause of infertility is still unknown.