Women who’ve had a c-section delivery often ask, “Is normal delivery possible after a c-section? The good news is it’s possible to have a vaginal birth after a c-section or a VBAC. However, it’s not a safe choice for every mother. A gynecologist in Navi Mumbai will evaluate crucial factors, such as your health and the reasons you had a C-section in the first pregnancy, to decide whether or not a VBAC can be attempted. Let’s see when it’s safe and how you can prepare for a vaginal birth after cesarean delivery.
Factors Influencing VBAC Success
1) Reasons for C-Section in the Previous Pregnancy:
If you had a section because of the reasons that aren’t present in the current pregnancy, you may be a good candidate for a VBAC. For example, if you had to deliver via c-section due to fetal distress, breech position, or an elective cesarean, you can opt for a vaginal birth in the next pregnancy.
2) Mother’s and the Baby’s Health:
The single most important factor that determines if you can have a VBAC is your and your baby’s health. Women above 35 and those diagnosed with preeclampsia, obesity, gestational diabetes, and other conditions might be unfit. Likewise, if the baby is too large or in a breech position, you may want to consider another c-section delivery.
3) Type of Uterine Incision:
Uterine scar from your previous delivery also plays a role in determining your risk in attempting a VBAC. The best candidate for a vaginal birth in subsequent deliveries is the one with a low-transverse incision. If you have a vertical incision, your gynecologist may disapprove of the VBAC attempt, as it carries a greater risk of uterine rupture.
Benefits of VBAC
If you are in good health and are a fit candidate for VBAC, you should definitely try a vaginal birth. Here’s why:
- It involves a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery
- It carries a lower risk of infection
- Your future deliveries will be less riskier
- You will be a good candidate for vaginal birth in subsequent pregnancies
Risks Associated with VBAC
While Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) in Navi Mumbai is possible, it carries certain risks that you must discuss with your gynecologist.
The biggest risk is uterine rupture. Your uterus could tear along the incision site from the previous c-section. Although the risk is negligible, less than 1%, it is possible. It can be a serious complication that requires immediate surgery to save the mother and the baby.
It’s advisable to attempt VBAC in a hospital with the technology and doctors to handle such emergencies. Another risk is the need for a c-section. Anything can go wrong before or during labor, requiring an emergency c-section.
Preparing for VBAC
Here are some tips that may help you prepare for a vaginal birth after C-section:
- Discuss the risks and benefits of VBAC with your gynecologist
- Choose a professional who can understand the early signs of complications and provide immediate treatment.
- Practice physical exercises recommended by your doctor
- Stay active and healthy
Although there’s no guarantee that it will work for you, many women go on to have a normal vaginal birth after a C-section.