High risk pregnancy can be caused by several factors which should be identified in the early stage of the pregnancy and need to be monitored continuously throughout the pregnancy period.
It is also important to spread awareness about high-risk pregnancy conditions for reducing any severe complications and ensuring the best treatment for High Risk Pregnancy in Airoli, Navi Mumbai for mother and child.
1) Pre-existing Health Conditions
If you are going through a high-risk pregnancy, that might be because of your pre-existing health conditions before getting pregnant. Issues like diabetes, hypertension can lead you to a high risk pregnancy journey.
1.1) Diabetes:
High glucose level also increases the chance of premature babies, miscarriage or stillborn baby, baby with birth defects and weighing the baby. Thus,women with high diabetes need to take extra precautions to manage their glucose level while pregnant.
1.2) Hypertension:
A high blood pressure level also affects the pregnancy. Mothers need to monitor their pressure to avoid the risk of complications such as reduction of blood flow, low birth weight or preeclampsia.
1.3) Autoimmune Disorders (Lupus):
These conditions require continuous monitoring during pregnancy by Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Airoli, Navi Mumbai, asAutoimmune Disorders can lead to premature birth and stillbirth- like complications.
2) Pregnancy-related Conditions
2.1) Preeclampsia:
This condition generally occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The early symptoms of preeclampsia are high blood pressure or damage to the kidney system. This condition can lead to fatal complications if not treated properly.
2.2) Gestational Diabetes:
In this condition mothers develop increased blood pressure, preeclampsia and need for c-section birth. Even mothers with Gestational Diabetes often give birth to heavy weighted babies with low glucose levels.
2.3) Placenta Previa:
In this condition placenta covers the cervix area. During pregnancy it can lead to excessive bleeding during vaginal birth and end up with cesarean section delivery.
3) Multiple Pregnancy
If you are carrying multiple babies in your pregnancy,that can also raise a high risk pregnancy. Twin, triplets or more than those babies lead to preterm birth, miscarriage, anemia or other birth defects.
4) Age-Related Factors
Advanced maternal age such as women over 35 or older, higher the risk of pregnancy complications including diabetes, preeclampsia, chromosomal abnormalities and a difficult labor. Pregnancy at a young age or teen pregnancy also comes with a higher risk level. Conditions like hypertension, preterm birth, down syndrome occur in teen pregnancy.
5) Genetic and Structural Abnormalities
A high risk pregnancy can also come through genetic abnormalities such as down syndrome, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia in parents. Early detection and treatment for High Risk Pregnancy in Airoli, Navi Mumbai is better for taking forward the pregnancy journey and making further plannings.
6) Infections During Pregnancy
TORCH Infections can cause complications during pregnancy and serious birth conditions. The term TORCH stands for Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes. Each of the viruses contains newborn infections that cause severe heart disease, growth restrictions and even brain damage.
High-risk pregnancies need to be treated under special care and continuous monitoring to ensure a healthy life for mother and baby. By understanding the various conditions that can lead to a high-risk pregnancy, mothers and their doctors can take extra precautions at an early stage. Experienced Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Airoli, Navi Mumbai offer the best treatment for high risk pregnancies.