Once pregnancy is diagnosed parents to be are encouraged to enjoy pregnancy following tests are have to be done over the course of the pregnancy.
ANC Profile:
Which includes tests to detect Hemoglobin level,HIV and Hepatitis B and C testing, Test to detect sexually transmitted disease like Syphilis and blood sugar level.
Thyroid Function Test:
As discussed before if it not done before Thyroid Function Test is done on 1st visit. TSH level should be below 2.5mIU/ml in first trimester of pregnancy.
Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anaemia:
Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anaemia are genetically transmitted types of anemia Although severe form these conditions are diagnosed within few months of birth, as baby requires repeated blood transfusions and gets frequently infected due to low immunity..Minor or trait status can’t be diagnosed without special test. If one of the parent to be is suffering from Thalassemia/Sickle cell Anaemia ,we have to screen her partner..as this is genetically transmitted and there is 25% chance of severe form of anaemia.
It should be below 5.7 and if it is found to be high, mom to be is tested for diabetes and counseled for diet and exercise
First trimester Ultrasound is done generally at 6 to 7 weeks to confirm pregnancy, presence of heart beats and to rule out ectopic or twin pregnancy. Again at 12 weeks to measure NT (roughly neck fold thickness above cervical spine) as screening for chromosomal abnormalities and to rule out major birth defect.
Marker Test
Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)
Latest Screening test which has sensitivity to detect genetic abnormalities and is available widely
- It is advised in certain cases like:
- Intermediate and High Risk for trisomies (Namely Trisomy 13, 18, 21) in combined screening
- Patients with significant family history of genetic abnormalities
- Advanced maternal age
- Parents anxious to ensure baby is genetically normal
- As a screening test to detect Down’s Syndrome
Double Marker Test –
Between 8 to 13weeks
Quadruple Marker Test –
Between 15 to 21 weeks
Targeted Anomaly Scan –
Done to detect Birth Defects in the baby, as well as to know if there are any chances of 2nd trimester abortion ….by calculating cervical length.
This completes most of the tests required to know foetal well being.
For FISH, Karyotype and Microarray, Specific test to diagnose genetic abnormality So further treatment can be advised as per the genetic test report.