Vaginal Delivery at Anuja Nursing Home

Preparing for vaginal Delivery at ANH Airoli, Navi Mumbai

Call 9029096544 or 8828436544 now to know more or to schedule an appointment

Normal duration of pregnancy is 280 days or 10 lunar months or nine months and seven days from the first day of last menstrual period i.e. if your cycles are at regular 28-30 days. But in case of irregular cycles date of delivery is calculated as per your dating scan which usually done in first three months of pregnancy. Most of the patients deliver in last three weeks of pregnancy or maximum within first week after crossing due date.

Whenever delivery occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is considered preterm delivery.

Delivery Care: D-Day

How to know you are in labour?

Periodic pain just like menstrual cramps
Pain starting from back and radiating to abdomen and thighs
Bloody sticky vaginal discharge (show)
Copious watery discharge (Leaking)All the above symptoms indicate starting of labour process

Indicates starting of labour process

When to visit hospital?

It is always better to visit as early as possible.. You will be examined for pulse, blood pressure, frequency and intensity of contractions, baby’s heartbeats and per vaginal examination to confirm labour process.

Will I be admitted immediately?

That will be decided as per your examination findings.

How to know whether I will deliver vaginally or by caeserean?

Usually a birth plan is discussed during your checkup. If you are a low risk patient with or without previous vaginal delivery, then chances of vaginal delivery are good. If you have previous caesarean sections, pregnancy induced hypertension, pre-existing Diabetes, any surgery on uterus, low lying or placenta praevia accreta, ART conception, narrow pelvis then you may be advised a planned caesarean section (as per risk to mother and the baby).

Labour process once you reach hospital

  1. Latent phase : Gradually your labour pain will increase in frequency and intensity and there will be descent of baby with gradual dilatation of cervix.
  2. Active phase By the end of this phase cervix will dilate fully and there will feeling of pressure and urge to push baby.This stage will end with delivery of baby. Placenta and membranes deliver after some time with active management.
    • Episiotomy (if required): A small oblique cut will be given from vagina after an injection to facilitate easy delivery of baby and to avoid injury to anus and urethra. This clean cut will be sutured with absorbable suture material after the expulsion of placenta.

Call 9029096544 or 8828436544 now to know more or to schedule an appointment

Types of Vaginal Delivery

Natural Birth (Normal Delivery)

Requires no augmentation of pains and with or without episiotomy.

Painless Delivery

Let me say Birth Preparedness and discussing your concerns and about the whole process of labour is the key to have good birthing experience.

It is really nice to voice out your fears, to know advantages of having a delivery with us as well as knowing our limitations will build mutual trust.

  1. Listening to light music as distraction.
  2. Having company of your birthing partner Husband /Friend/Mother/Sister
  3. Walking / Kneeling /Use of Exercise Ball
  4. Hot Foementation with a bag Hot Showers
  5. Back Massage
  6. Epidural Analgesia: Which is given by Skilled Anaesthetist under strict aseptic precautions when cervix is @ 3cms dilated. It is administered by special needle and epidural catheter is placed in intervertebral space. Top up injection is given through catheter every hour or as per progress of labour. It gives almost 80% pain relief and in skilled hands complication rate is very low.
  7. Nitrous Oxide with Oxygen Inhalation In selected cases it is administered by Anaesthetist when you are in advanced stage of labour and are about to deliver but are unable to bear down. It gives relief from pain sensation and baby can be delivered safely.

In almost all patients delivery is attended by a Paediatrician or Neonatologist (New Born Specialist)

Vacuum Assisted  Delivery

Sometimes baby doesn’t delivery even with good pains and good maternal efforts and baby looks stuck at the pelvic outlet Controlled traction is applied with vacuum and baby is delivered.

  • Delayed second stage
  • Foetal distress
  • Borderline Pelvis
  • Relatively big baby
  • Maternal exhaustion etc
  • Vacuum assisted birth is considered as relatively safe delivery

It’s a procedure usually reserved in selected patients. Safety Criteria for vacuum application

  • Cervix should be 8-10 cm dilated and soft.
  • Baby’s size should be assessed clinically or by ultrasound. Baby should not be premature or by breech or too small or too big.
  • Baby should be sufficiently lower down in birth passage.
  • Mother should have urinary catheter.
  • Suitable local anesthesia or Epidural Anesthesia is given.
  • Obstetrician and Baby’s Resuscitation is ready.

In vacuum delivery a small silastic cup is applied on baby’s head and with the help of suction machine and suction tube gradual and sustained pressure is applied and baby’s head is delivered. Rest of the baby is delivered as usual delivery.

Although after vacuum delivery baby’s head looks swollen, this fluid regresses after sometime.

Important point to note is in skilled hands this procedure is very safe!

Forceps Delivery

With the effective use of vacuum application incidence of forceps application is declining. In some cases when baby is premature or vacuum application fails or if a patient delivers baby by breech presentation, after coming head of baby is delivered by forceps.

Nowadays only outlet forceps is used to deliver a baby. A pair of forceps is used to catch baby’s head gently between in the gap of blades and baby is pulled to deliver head.Rest of the baby is delivered as usual.

Pre requisites same as vacuum assisted birth.

Although it’s really good in expert hand chances of injury to baby and mother’s birth canal are relatively higher in Forceps Delivery.

Plan Your Pregnancy at Anuja Nursing Home

Call Us On 9029096544 or 8828436544