Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) procedure in Navi Mumbai is performed on an outpatient basis and is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves opening the cervix and removing the uterine tissue. It’s commonly performed in women who suffer miscarriage or plan an abortion.
D&C can also remove the parts of the placenta that might be left in the uterus after delivery. Recovery can take up to five days. Your gynecologist will give you detailed instructions on what to avoid during recovery. In the meantime,
Here’s a guide on what not to do after a D&C:
i) Do Not Practice High-Impact Exercises or Strenuous Physical Activity
Light bleeding and spotting after the procedure are normal but can get worse if you overexert yourself. Rest is crucial for quick recovery. So, give your body time to heal and avoid high-impact activity or weightlifting for at least a week. Your doctor will advise you to resume your work and routine physical activities when you feel okay.
ii) Do Not Have Sexual Activity
Your doctor will ask you to refrain from having sexual intercourse for at least two weeks. Your cervix needs time to close fully and return to its pre-operative state. For some women, it can be shortly after D&C. For others, it can take up to two weeks. Sexual intercourse can increase the risk of infection if your cervix hasn’t closed fully. So, wait until you get the doctor’s clearance. Sex can also delay your healing, as it can lead to heavy bleeding.
iii) Do Not Insert Anything Into the Vagina
Tampons and douching should be strictly avoided for at least two weeks after D&C. Due to the opened cervix, there’s an increased risk of bacteria entering your uterus or the bleeding and cramping getting worse. You should also avoid sitting in the bathtub until your doctor allows it. If you get your period shortly after the procedure, use pads.
iv) Do Not Ignore the Warning Signs
D&C is considered a safe procedure, but it comes with a few risks you should be aware of. Infection is one of them. Not maintaining proper hygiene or practicing sexual intercourse can lead to an infection that requires medical attention. Likewise, adhesions can form in your uterus and may require surgical intervention. Here are some other warning signs you must not ignore.
- Heavy bleeding with blood clots
- Vaginal discharge that looks like pus, accompanied by fever and vaginal irritation
- Severe cramps that do not respond to painkillers
- Sore and swollen breasts
- Nausea and vomiting that lasts three or more days
- Chills
Call your doctor right away if you notice these symptoms.
Dilatation and curettage surgery doctors in Navi Mumbai recommend rest, proper medication, and no sexual intercourse or douching for at least 2-4 weeks after D&C.
Whether you have had D&C for abortion or treating heavy bleeding and other uterine issues, it’s important to follow your doctor’s guidelines for quick recovery. Usually, it takes a few days to recover fully, but the duration can vary depending on the level of dilatation needed and why you opted for D&C.